DIY-Changing Clock/HVAC LEDs on FR-S

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT responsible for any damage you may do to your car.


Remove the screws in the cup holder area

Pull straight up (towards the sky) on e-brake boot

Remove shifter boot

Disconnect the wire to the panel

Pull boot up, and it will come off

Remove 2 screws

Remove panels (one on each side). Pull straight out (towards the outside of the car)

Reach around, and push the USB/Aux plug out. Then unplug.

Pull panel out

Remove 2 screws

Remove the center console. Remember, the 12V plug needs to be unplugged. Here is the center console area.

Remove radio trim with plastic pry bar. The panel needs to come straight out, so take it slow!

Remove 2 screws

Remove side panels. The panels come straight back (towards the rear of the car. Grab the front and rear, and pull

Remove 2 screws

Pull panel out

Remove wire plugs

Remove the cable mounts. Each has 2 tabs as shown

Take the panel inside to your bench. Remove the components from the panel. NOTE. If you have NOT done this before, take your time!! Then tabs break easily!

First the clock. Remove the rear cover with 2 screws and 4 tabs

First remove the screws circled in red. They are in tight, and are easier at this stage. Then remove the blue circled screws.

Remove the board

The LEDs on the right are for the airbag system. They are the same package as the rest of the LEDs.

Choose your own adventure! It's up to you on how to access the LEDs under the white plastic piece under the LCD panel. Here is a picture of the LEDs that need to be replaced.

Once complete, reassemble the clock.

Now the HVAC. Remove the 2 white twist base lights, one in each of the mechanical units (left and right). This is a regular bulb with a yellow condom. Replace this with whatever you want. I chose to do below.

Now the fan module. Remove the tabs shown, plus the ones on the other side. 6 tabs total. Remove cover. Remove white slider.

Rotate/tip the circuit board to remove

Remove the red circle LEDs. The blue one is for the defrost button, and can be changed at your discretion.

After reassembling, you will have a RED clock and HVAC!!

What LEDs did I use? 2PLCC size. Here is the link: Digi-Key

After seeing the color, I might change the temperature knob to white. The red LED kills the blue color.

**UPDATE (13JUN12)***
Night shots

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